Man with Mirror, from the portfolio "To ease to ‘ell one needs two N’s"
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Man with Mirror, from the portfolio "To ease to ‘ell one needs two N’s"
Paul Noble
(b. 1963, Northumbria, England)
MediumHard ground etchings on copper with aquatint, drypoint and roulette wheel, printed with Charbonnel 55985 black ink
Dimensionsimage: 14 15/16 in. x 11 5/16 in. (37.9 cm x 28.7 cm); sheet: 25 9/16 in. x 20 7/8 in. (64.9 cm x 53 cm)
Credit LineMuseum purchase, Erna Bottigheimer Sands (Class of 1929) Art Acquisition Fund
Object number2018.15.4
Not on viewRightsCopyright is retained in accordance with U.S. Copyright laws
Photo creditDavis Museum at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
Yuken TeruyaAsia SocietySingapore Tyler Print InstituteSingapore Tyler Print Institute