Mariachi Calavera – Nadie debe lamentarse por muerte desus amores, mas bien debe conformarse sabiendo que hasta las flores nacen para marchitarse. (Musicians’ Skeletons – No one should lament the death of a loved one. It is better to be comforted with the knowledge that flowers are born to wilt.)
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Mariachi Calavera – Nadie debe lamentarse por muerte desus amores, mas bien debe conformarse sabiendo que hasta las flores nacen para marchitarse. (Musicians’ Skeletons – No one should lament the death of a loved one. It is better to be comforted with the knowledge that flowers are born to wilt.)
Carlos Cortez
(b. 1923, Milwaukee, Wisconsin – d. 2005, Chicago, Illinois)
Dimensionsimage: 24 5/8 in. x 30 1/2 in. (62.5 cm x 77.5 cm); sheet: 26 1/8 in. x 31 3/4 in. (66.4 cm x 80.6 cm)
Credit LineMuseum purchase, The Dorothy Johnston Towne (Class of 1923) Fund
Object number2003.148
Not on viewRightsCopyright is retained in accordance with U.S. Copyright laws
Photo creditDavis Museum at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
Francisco de Goya
ca. 1799
Francisco de Goya
1796-97 (published mid-19th century)
Manuel ManillaJosé Guadalupe Posada
ca. 1900
Antíoco CrucesLuis Campa
ca. 1870-75
Lily HughesCivilian-Soldier AllianceRepetitive PressJustseeds Artists' CooperativeBooklyn Artists AllianceIraq Veterans Against the War