Finches with Nest, for A. Nuyens’ Dutch ornithological work "De Vogelwereld. Handboek voor liefhebbers van kamer-en parkvogels" (Bird World. Handbook for Lovers of Domestic and Park Birds)
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Finches with Nest, for A. Nuyens’ Dutch ornithological work "De Vogelwereld. Handboek voor liefhebbers van kamer-en parkvogels" (Bird World. Handbook for Lovers of Domestic and Park Birds)
C. T'Felt
Dateca. 1882
Dimensionssheet: 13 3/4 in. x 10 1/8 in. (34.9 cm x 25.7 cm); image: 11 in. x 8 in. (27.9 cm x 20.3 cm)
Credit LineBequest of Ann Kirk Warren (Ann Haggarty, Class of 1950)
Object number2016.425
Not on view